Henry Curchod
Born 1992, Palo Alto, USA. Lives and works in London, UK.
2011-2014 BA/BFA College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales
Solo Exhibitions
2024 Waterplay, Gallery Vacancy, Shanghai, China
Oh Fortuna!, C L E A R I N G, New York, United States of America
2023 Paris Internationale, Gallery Vacancy, Paris, France
Trouble on the event horizon, Mamoth, London, England
Hugging a tree is like kissing a dog, Shoot The Lobster, New York, United States of America
2022 Rice is god's dandruff, Chauffeur, Sydney, Australia
2021 Set your friends free, Mamoth, London, England
Sharing the sky, Sumer Gallery, Tauranga, New Zealand
Inside Head, Outside Head, Martin Browne Gallery, Australia
2019 Bitter Winds, Sumer Gallery, Tauranga, New Zealand
Apfelschuss, Tristian Koenig Gallery, Melbourne , Australia
2018 Bring me the sweat of Gabriela Sabatini, Campbell Projects, Sydney, Australia
2016 Tonkotsu Method, China Heights Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Group Exhibitions
2024 Memories of the future, Almine Rech, London, United Kingdom
Portrait of a man, X Museum, Beijing, China
Where can we live but days?, Mamoth, London, United Kingdom
Art Basel, C L E A R I N G , Basel, Switzerland
2023 Friends in The Arts, TANK Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Art Basel Miami Beach, C L E A R I N G , Miami, United States of America
The Ramsay Prize, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Sulman Prize, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Felix Art Fair, Gallery Vacancy, Los Angeles, United States of America
In Between, Spurs Gallery, Beijing, China
2022 Of Foxes and Ghosts, Mamoth, London, England
Vacant II, Gallery Vacancy, Shanghai, China
Art SG, Gallery Vacancy, Singapore
Distance is Comfort, Chauffeur, Sydney, Australia
Cave International 4.0, LAILA, Athens, Greece
Steige 13, LAILA, Vienna, Austria
2021 It's raining in sunshine, Lon Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
Strange Paradigms, Yngspc, Virtual Exhibition
Winter, Martin Browne Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship, Brett Whiteley Gallery, Sydney, Australia
2020 Summer, Martine Browne Contemporary, Sydney, Australia, Australia
Infra-world, Chauffeur HQ, Sydney, Australia, Australia
2019 A Private Matter, LM Gallery, Latina, Italy
Art Verona, Art Verona Fair, LM Gallery, Verona, Italy
Rude Assembly, (curated by Max Berry), Burton Projects, Sydney, Australia
Lilac City,(curated by Lilac City) Burton Projects, Sydney, Australia
2018 Window is the door, Tristian Koenig Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
2017 Le River Tech, New Standard Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Fortyfive Emerging Artist Awards (curated by Kent Wilson), Fortyfive Downstairs, Melbourne, Australia
A painter’s painting, New Standard Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Survey, China Heights Gallery, Sydney, Australia
2014 The Sulman Prize, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Mosman Art Prize, Mosman Art Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Adelaide Perry Prize for Drawing, Adelaide Perry Gallery, Australia
Awards and Residencies
2023 The Castel Caramel Residency, Castillon, France
Therapeia Residency, Paxos, Greece
2023 R&F Residency, Kingston, New York, United States of America
The Ramsay Prize, AGSA, Adelaide, Australia, Finalist
The Sulman Prize, AGNSW, Sydney, Australia, Finalist
Edwin Oostmeijer/ PPP Residency, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2021 Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship, Finalist
2017 Fortyfive Emerging Art Award
2016 Belle Magazine Art Prize, Winner
2015 Ceret Residency, Languedoc-Rousillion, France
Belle Magazine Art Prize, Winner
2014 The Mosman Art Prize, Finalist
The Sulman Prize, Finalist
Adelaide Perry Prize for Drawing
X Museum, Beijing, China; Start Museum, Shanghai, China; Sifang Museum, Beijing, China; Dangxia Foundation, Beijing, China; Tiantai Museum of Art, Qingdao, China; M Woods Museum, Beijing, China